印度與泰國要求美國遵守WTO對蝦傾銷之裁決 印度要求美國遵守世界貿易組織(WTO)裁決,並盡可能在最短時間內停止已造成印度蝦業財務沉重負擔的反傾銷措施。 WTO爭端解決機構(DSB)於今年8月裁定,有關美國要求溫水蝦進口商提出與傾銷擔保金等值的保證金與關稅保證金(買屋customs bond)措施,係屬非法與違反國際貿易慣例。眼看印度蝦出口業仍需承受美國執行反傾銷措施的龐大壓力,WTO對美國回應需要合理的一段時間(RPT)來執行DSB裁決深表遺憾。而另一個提出爭端控訴的泰國,則表示會盡速與美國協商RPT,落實WTO裁決。佔印度水產品出口總值54%租屋網的冷凍蝦,是印度最大的出口水產品。2006-2007年的蝦出口量,由前年的145,180公噸下降至137,397公噸。印度水產品出口商同業公會主席表示,雖然美國對進口蝦的反傾銷稅已由原來的14%調降至1.69%,但領先日本成為印度蝦最大市場的美國,即使零課稅也不為過。(摘譯自INFOFISH 賣房子Trade News,15 Sep. 2008)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~US urged to implement WTO ruling on shrimp soonIndia wants the US to abide by a World Trade Organisation (WTO) ruling in the "shortest possibile time" to end an anti-dumping 房屋二胎measure that has put a burden on the Indian shrimp industry.WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) ruled in August this year that the US measure, requiring importers of warm-water shrimp to deposit cash and Customs bond equal to the margin of dumping that 買屋may exist in investigation, was illegal and violate international trade practices.Announcing its intention to implement the DSB ruling, the US has declared it would need a "reasonable period of time(RPT)" for the corrective steps.WTO said that India is 賣屋disappointted at the US request for RPT, as the Indian shrimp industry continues to face an enormous burden on its exports due to the US anti-dumping measure.Tailand, which is also a party tto the dispute, said it would hold talks with the US soon on RPT 結婚to ensure prompt implementation of the WTO ruling. Frozen shrimp is the largest export item for India , constituting about 54 per cent of the total seafood exportsin value terms. Shrimp exports declined in 2006-07 to 137,397 tonnes from 145,180 tonnes in 設計裝潢the previous year.Shipments to the US dropped sharply by 37 per cent in 2006-07 to $ 99.28 million from $ 158.12 million in 2005-06.According to the President of the Seafood Exporters Association of India, although the US decreased its anti-dumping duty 21世紀房屋仲介to 1.69 per cent from 14 per cent on shrimp exports, it should be brought down to zero. The US is the largest market for Indian shrimps followed by Japan.

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